Earnix Ltd
Earnix erlaubt es Versicherungen und Banken, Tarife und personalisierte Produkte anzubieten, die schneller, smarter und sicherer sind.

Earnix erlaubt es Versicherungen und Banken, Tarife und personalisierte Produkte anzubieten, die schneller, smarter und sicherer sind. Mit Earnix können Banken und Versicherungen jedem Kunden zu jeder Zeit personalisierten Mehrwerte bieten, die im vollen Einklang mit der Unternehmensstrategie und den Unternehmenszielen stehen. Unsere Lösung bietet Systematisierung und einen unternehmensweiten Mehrwert mit einem ultraschnellen ROI. Seit 2001 unterstützt Earnix mit Innovationen zahlreiche Kunden weltweit. Earnix hat Büros in Amerika, Europa, Asien und Israel
Earnix Excelerate 2023: Growing Through Change (20.-21. September 2023 in London)
In the coming weeks, the speakers will be announced, agenda revealed, and more. Register now to secure your spot and be one of the first to know who’s speaking at Excelerate 2023.
Event: Earnix's flagship summit - Excelerate in London (13./14.09.2022)
Insurance, like many other sectors, face an imperative to reimagine itself. The surge in the use of AI and ML, customers' expectations, and inflation have increased the pressure for Insurance companies to innovate at speed. With that in mind, we want to invite you to uncover the new reality of the Insurance Sector and what this means for innovation, tech, and your customers. There is more news to come - including our eclectic line-up of industry leaders uncovering the future of Insurance and how to strategize using best practices and analytics.
Zur Anmeldung: Save the Date: The future of Insurance this September (en25.com)
Webinar: Dynamic Product Actualization (22.02.2022)
The insurance industry was built on managing risk, but today’s increasing pace of change in the marketplace requires product and pricing agility. Flexibility will allow insurers to respond to increases in claims costs, prototype new usage-based products, and prepare for new products on the horizon. Achieving this in a way that meets regulatory requirements necessitates new capabilities.
Zur Anmeldung: Dynamic Product Actualization | Earnix
Earnix Announces $75M Growth Funding with a Valuation of $1B to Accelerate Its Global Expansion (21.02.2021)
Earnix, a global provider of advanced AI-driven rating, pricing, and product personalization solutions for Insurance and Banking, has announced $75M in growth funding with a pre-money valuation of $1B. The round was led by Insight Partners, with existing investors JVP, Vintage Partners and Israel Growth Partners joining the round.
Zur Pressemitteilung: https://earnix.com/press/earnix-announces-75m-growth-funding/